Today was quite a day to say the least. As it is our first day back after returning from Manuel Antonio, we start our day off with some cooking and soccer. We learned how to make Empanadas, Refresco de Piña y Papaya, and Tajeta. A lot to learn about how Costa Ricans make some of their common foods and drinks. After cooking class the men (Mateo, JanCarlo, Josh, David, and Gavin) started playing soccer in fairly temperate weather bt continued to play as the weather worsened with rain. Nothing stopped these men from playing a fair game against a group of locals in Costa Rica. Going to school later, we completed our daily classroom work and proceeded outside for our interacrive games. We played "Pato, Pato, Gonzo"(Duck, Duck, Goose), Ninja, and Musical Chairs, which ended up with a broken chair and a debate about who won.


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