june 28, 2018

Today, we surprisingly didn’t have gallo pinto for breakfast, which is a traditional Costa Rican breakfast that consists of rice and beans mixed together with eggs on the side. Our Mama Tica made us scrambled eggs on a homemade tortilla which was very delicious. My roommates and I ended up having to run to school to make it to our dance lessons on time because our Mama Tica runs on “Tico Time”, which means she is always running late. The dance lessons were very fun and I finally got to learn how to dance salsa. It was really cool to see my friends step out of their comfort zones and try to dance latin dances, which is one of my favorite things to do. During class my partner and I had to present about typical dances from Costa Rica and I feel like it went very well. After school my roommates and I went to the mall across the street from the university to shop. We also ate dinner there with some friends at a pizza place called La Fabrica. It was very tasty! I would say today was a great experience in Costa Rica and learning how to dance Latin dances in a Latin country is a memory I’ll never forget.
- Viviana Flores


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